Cambiamo gioco
[Let’s change play]


Awareness level


Corpo e mente


Body and mind


Ripple effect


The best thing was being able to talk about how I feel, listen to what the other girls were saying and ask questions and give advice. - Nadia, 10


  • Encourage the participants to think about the importance of the group and positive competitiveness based on pushing themselves while adhering to the rules and making the most of their ability, as part of a cycle of mutual empowerment.


  • Create a positive dynamic around competition between women and channel that into decision-making ability and shared leadership, creating opportunities for mutual stimulus and learning, thus strengthening both individuals and the group.


  • The project falls within a group of programmes designed to promote awareness and psychological wellbeing. It goes to the root of the social process of comparison, which is how images of competition between women are formed and perpetuated, marginalising and separating them as a result.


  • The project provokes active reflection among the group and encourages the girls to strive to be better by comparing their results with those of others. The project has been designed to have a trickle-down effect with a wide range of indirect beneficiaries, including the ambassadors’ classmates, their friends from outside school, their families, the school itself and the teaching body.


  • Fifteen girls – one for each municipality of Rome – were offered the chance to become ambassadors for the project, which was split into ten three-hour sessions, in their local municipality.


  • Initially, the girls took part in an art-therapy theatre workshop including games designed to boost self-esteem and trust in themselves and others. The findings from the theatre workshop were elaborated on in the second phase of the programme, as part of a multimedia workshop in which computer webcams and smartphones were used to create a short film. The workshop included playwriting, filming, editing and post-production and focused on issues around gender, stereotypes and the depiction of positive competition models. Role models that were known to the girls were used in the activities (actresses, directors and screenwriters).


  • The programme came to an end with two presentation ceremonies for the young ambassadors, while the work was shared with the teaching body, local institutions and parents.

Why it’s important

Female leadership and solidarity between women is severely tested during preadolescence and adolescence. Strengthening the individuality of the girls and their awareness of the strength of groups can help to consolidate their personalities and awareness of their potential and avoid future violence and suffering.

  • Participants: 15
  • People involved: 55
  • Output: Short film (group work). New technical skill, new ability to tackle group work.
  • Main supporter: Mattel.
  • Technical partner: Be Free Social Cooperative.
  • Location: Roma, Casa Internazionale delle Donne [International Women’s House].
  • Number of editions and status: 1; April-November 2016.

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